History of JAVA:
JAVA is a distributed technology developed by James Gosling, Patric Naugton, etc., at Sun
Micro System has released lot of rules for JAVA and those rules are implemented by JavaSoft Inc,
USA (which is the software division of Sun Micro System) in the year 1990. The original name of JAVA
is OAK (which is a tree name). In the year 1995, OAK was revised and developed software called
JAVA (which is a coffee seed name).
JAVA released to the market in three categories J2SE (JAVA 2 Standard Edition), J2EE (JAVA 2
Enterprise Edition) and J2ME (JAVA 2 Micro/Mobile Edition).
i. J2SE is basically used for developing client side applications/programs.
ii. J2EE is used for developing server side applications/programs.
iii. J2ME is used for developing server side applications/programs.
If you exchange the data between client and server programs (J2SE and J2EE), by default JAVA is
having on internal support with a protocol called http. J2ME is used for developing mobile
applications and lower/system level applications. To develop J2ME applications we must use a
protocol called WAP (Wireless Applications Protocol).
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